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Your thoughts on DiMa....

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  • #76
    I think what mmu69 is getting at is something closer to the way that Wings900 and DAC display their collection, more like a spreadsheet.


    • #77
      Originally posted by mmu69 View Post
      I'm posting my thoughts here for discussion. I would have thought my point about fine-tuning the design via preferences expressed my concern for individual needs, but I'm happy to re-iterate, clarify.
      all good, typing on forum or via email is inferior way to communicate between people & commonly the intention of statements are often misunderstood. I know the admins (currently) have too much common sense not to make it an option for changes if enough people want it & it's possible to do.

      BTW, everyone please consider getting the (public view if possible) DiMA collection signature. It makes it so much easier to click it to see your collection & not have to search the members list to see what planes you have; i'm often curious to what other people have in theirs.


      • #78
        Some forums use an indicator to show when I have posted a reply within a thread. Either by changing the color of the thread icon or by adding a check mark to the thread icon. Would it be possible to incorporate here? It makes it easier when viewing the newest posts list to find threads in which you have already made a post. Just a thought.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Tundra04 View Post
          Some forums use an indicator to show when I have posted a reply within a thread. Either by changing the color of the thread icon or by adding a check mark to the thread icon. Would it be possible to incorporate here? It makes it easier when viewing the newest posts list to find threads in which you have already made a post. Just a thought.
          That is coming in the future with further versions of vbulletin 5


          • #80
            Originally posted by admin View Post
            That is coming in the future with further versions of vbulletin 5
            Awesome. Keep up the good work!


            • #81
              Anyway you guys can put more pics of models on? I notice a lot of models don't have pictures on them, and also does the upload your own photo work? Because I have a few models that I would like to upload photos to the site since there's no photos of it (ex. Geminijets Aeromexico 767-200 "skyteam" livery).

              Cloud Services Admin/Collector since 2006


              • #82
                Originally posted by FireAngelZero View Post
                Anyway you guys can put more pics of models on? I notice a lot of models don't have pictures on them, and also does the upload your own photo work? Because I have a few models that I would like to upload photos to the site since there's no photos of it (ex. Geminijets Aeromexico 767-200 "skyteam" livery).
                Speaking of photos. While I appreciate the fact that this week's new Herpa releases are in the database already, I find it odd that
                a) photos carry a "Waffle Collectibles" watermark although they're clearly Herpa's own pictures
                b) they're marked as "in stock" at the same shop, which is entirely impossible.
                I think these issues might put off other retailers, maybe even prevent them from joining DiMA's scheme.


                • waffle
                  waffle commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Said the person, who uploads photos to the Wings900 database which has thousands of photos without use or permission rights? Wouldn't that be a bit ironic? Go back to Wings900, they need you to save their sinking ship.

              • #83
                Originally posted by waffle
                Said the person, who uploads photos to the Wings900 database which has thousands of photos without use or permission rights? Wouldn't that be a bit ironic? Go back to Wings900, they need you to save their sinking ship.
                1) I myself certainly didn't upload any photos without photographer's permission, let alone did I label any as my own. I can't speak for anyone else, nor am I responsible for the integrity of the entire site or database. If there is a problem, it's the owners'.

                2) If someone sets a bad example, it doesn't mean one should follow it.


                • waffle
                  waffle commented
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                  By helping them, you are just as responsible as anyone else that helps or works on that database. So therefore you're guilty by association and then some. I rest my case. Christian's calling he needs you...

              • #84
                Originally posted by FireAngelZero View Post
                Anyway you guys can put more pics of models on? I notice a lot of models don't have pictures on them, and also does the upload your own photo work? Because I have a few models that I would like to upload photos to the site since there's no photos of it (ex. Geminijets Aeromexico 767-200 "skyteam" livery).

                The upload does work fine, i used it already


                • #85
                  Originally posted by waffle
                  By helping them, you are just as responsible as anyone else that helps or works on that database. So therefore you're guilty by association and then some. I rest my case. Christian's calling he needs you…
                  Do you have any comments on the actual point at hand, re. DiMA photos? So far, people here made me feel welcome and like this was now the better place…... was I wrong? Your way of winning people over seems odd, but maybe that's just me.


                  • waffle
                    waffle commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Why should I win you over, after the people you help and associate yourself with have screwed me and plenty of other people and use my photos without proper permissions? If you don't like the photos here and the way they are set up then don't use them. Last I checked we had more photos then any one place including your beloved Wings900 so what exactly do you want to complain about?

                • #86
                  Originally posted by waffle
                  Why should I win you over, after the people you help and associate yourself with have screwed me and plenty of other people and use my photos without proper permissions? If you don't like the photos here and the way they are set up then don't use them. Last I checked we had more photos then any one place including your beloved Wings900 so what exactly do you want to complain about?
                  I know what you mean. That's exactly why I stopped uploading my own photos, and others', a while ago.

                  However, it looks to me like the forum community is still much stronger at W900 than DiMA, so I'm providing the community (!) a minimum service. I might well stop that as I see DiMA grow. A bit of a wait-and-see approach


                  • #87

                    couldn't find a better one...


                    • #88
                      I vote for everyone to stop bickering and just work together to make DiMA a better place... my 2 cents


                      • #89
                        Originally posted by admin View Post
                        I vote for everyone to stop bickering and just work together to make DiMA a better place... my 2 cents
                        Just an observation; a Wings900 team member comes here and, in his 10th post or so, questions something DIMA is doing? Really?



                        • #90

                          I assumed this issue is on all forums & unless someone actually took the expense to take it to court & get a ruling ....


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