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Forum Software upgrade - Completed & a cool new User Mention Feature

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  • Forum Software upgrade - Completed & a cool new User Mention Feature

    We upgraded our forum software to 5.1.5 and there are bug fixes, but now a really cool feature where you can mention people in your posts..

    So hey waffle admin eugenevh fleetlordatvar and more, I think you'll like this!
    Forum Upgrade Completed
    A large forum upgrade was completed Some items you may notice:

    User Mentions and Notifications.
    New BBCode has been added to handle User Mentions in content using either the or . When using the style, you will be given a lookup list of usernames to choose from.
    Usage: @%username%
    Example Usage: @"John Doe"
    Example Output: @[a href="#"]John Doe[/a]
    @[a href="#"]John[/a] Doe
    @[a href="#"]John Doe[/a],
    • Email notifications - We will admit it, we hacked the software so that you could get notifications. The software now has notifications of mentions, private messages, subscriptions and more.
    • Improved Facebook Integration - Login with your FB account

    Waffle Collectibles eBay sale is back!
    Auctions are closing every Tuesday and Thursday!
    Get in on great prices of rare and new models!
    Check all the auctions a Waffle Collectible eBay Sale!!
    Compare us to other Sites
    Sometimes numbers speak louder than words..
    • We are actively updating the database and care about our users
    • We are the only datatbase with 100% logo coverage
    • DiMA has nearly 20% more photos than the competition
    • Over 12,000 user ratings for models! This is exclusive to DiMA!
    • We are ontrack to become the largest model database by the end of 2015, only 2,600 models to go
    • By mid 2015 we will have the highest number of pricepoints available for estimating the value of your models

    Models 31,942 Logos 100%
    Photos 81,999 User Pics 822
    Prices 320,454 Ratings 12,509
    Collected 179,090 Wanted 19,967
    Trades 6,940 Collectors 1,805
    Thank You
    As always, we realize you have a choice of databases forums and collection systems and we appreciate your continued support.

  • #2
    @ Ops Manager I think this could be fantastic idea!!


    • #3
      What do you mean could be? its working now..


      • #4
        I mean when ppl start using it & how it manifest itself in the future.


        • #5
          Looks like a positive change.


          • #6
            Ops Manager this is exactly why DiMA DESERVES to be the leading forum in the market. The innovations just keep on coming whereas the others are slowly dying bit by bit. ;-)
            I see the site is growing with more interactions too, which is what Dima needs. Good things are bound to happen pretty soon.

            PS. There is a small typo in the OP : "The software now howas notifications" as well as "Login wwith your" Sorry, the Grammar Nazi in me just couldn't resist. I'll get him to go sit down again.


            • #7
              Thanks eugenevh !! Please work to get more to join the party!!

              And I took care of the type-os..


              • #8
                Oh my, how ''relevant'' to this site.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ops Manager View Post
                  We upgraded our forum software to 5.1.5 and there are bug fixes, but now a really cool feature where you can mention people in your posts..

                  So hey waffle admin eugenevh fleetlordatvar and more, I think you'll like this!
                  Forum Upgrade Completed
                  A large forum upgrade was completed Some items you may notice:

                  User Mentions and Notifications.
                  New BBCode has been added to handle User Mentions in content using either the or . When using the style, you will be given a lookup list of usernames to choose from.
                  Usage: @%username%
                  Example Usage: @"John Doe"
                  Example Output: @[a href="#"]John Doe[/a]
                  @[a href="#"]John[/a] Doe
                  @[a href="#"]John Doe[/a],
                  • Email notifications - We will admit it, we hacked the software so that you could get notifications. The software now has notifications of mentions, private messages, subscriptions and more.
                  • Improved Facebook Integration - Login with your FB account

                  Waffle Collectibles eBay sale is back!
                  Auctions are closing every Tuesday and Thursday!
                  Get in on great prices of rare and new models!
                  Check all the auctions a Waffle Collectible eBay Sale!!
                  Compare us to other Sites
                  Sometimes numbers speak louder than words..
                  • We are actively updating the database and care about our users
                  • We are the only datatbase with 100% logo coverage
                  • DiMA has nearly 20% more photos than the competition
                  • Over 12,000 user ratings for models! This is exclusive to DiMA!
                  • We are ontrack to become the largest model database by the end of 2015, only 2,600 models to go
                  • By mid 2015 we will have the highest number of pricepoints available for estimating the value of your models

                  Models 31,942 Logos 100%
                  Photos 81,999 User Pics 822
                  Prices 320,454 Ratings 12,509
                  Collected 179,090 Wanted 19,967
                  Trades 6,940 Collectors 1,805
                  Thank You
                  As always, we realize you have a choice of databases forums and collection systems and we appreciate your continued support.
                  How about adding a better spam filter for posts?


                  • #10
                    Or maybe some active moderation


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