Good day.
My very first time here. I like a lot this page, just incredible.
What I would like to know if somebody knows something about the models that I believe everybody would like to be released or at least some of them, I am talking about of the Boeing 767-400, Boeing 737-600, Boeing 747-400 UPS New Colors, Airbus A300 DHL, Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy, Boeing AH-64 Apache, Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, Tupolev 204, Tupolev 160, Boeing X-37, Harrier GR7A, Sukhoi 27, Sukhoi 35, Sukhoi 47, Handley Page Victor, Tupolev 334, Tupolev 414, Vickers Super VC-10, Tupolev 214, Irkut MC-21, Comac 919, Comac ARJ21, Sukhoi Superjet 100, Mitsubishi MRJ, Bombardier CRJ-100, Bombardier CRJ-200, Bombardier CRJ-1000, Antonov 225 Space Shuttle, Antonov 124, Antonov 22, Airbus A350-800, Boeing 787-10, Ilyushin 76, Ilyushin 86, Ilyushin 114, Ilyushin 96, Ilyushin 62, Dassault Mercure, Fokker F-28, Yakovlev 42, Airbus A300-600ST Beluga, Let Kunovice L-610Back to list
, Mi-26, Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion, Mil V-12, Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane, Marine One, Cessna planes, Beechcraft planes, UH-1, Mi-24, CAIC WZ-10, Eurocopter Tiger, Kamov Ka-52, Agusta A129, MQ-9, X-47B, Ilyushin 18 and more. We always want all the liveries and models of the airlines of our country of course, but it would be great have these models in metal with a quality of Gemini, JC or IF or at least Hogan or Herpa (with landing gear). Scale 1:200!!
What model do you want to have? (not only of these mentioned, whatever you have in mind).
My very first time here. I like a lot this page, just incredible.
What I would like to know if somebody knows something about the models that I believe everybody would like to be released or at least some of them, I am talking about of the Boeing 767-400, Boeing 737-600, Boeing 747-400 UPS New Colors, Airbus A300 DHL, Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy, Boeing AH-64 Apache, Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, Tupolev 204, Tupolev 160, Boeing X-37, Harrier GR7A, Sukhoi 27, Sukhoi 35, Sukhoi 47, Handley Page Victor, Tupolev 334, Tupolev 414, Vickers Super VC-10, Tupolev 214, Irkut MC-21, Comac 919, Comac ARJ21, Sukhoi Superjet 100, Mitsubishi MRJ, Bombardier CRJ-100, Bombardier CRJ-200, Bombardier CRJ-1000, Antonov 225 Space Shuttle, Antonov 124, Antonov 22, Airbus A350-800, Boeing 787-10, Ilyushin 76, Ilyushin 86, Ilyushin 114, Ilyushin 96, Ilyushin 62, Dassault Mercure, Fokker F-28, Yakovlev 42, Airbus A300-600ST Beluga, Let Kunovice L-610Back to list

What model do you want to have? (not only of these mentioned, whatever you have in mind).