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JC Wings Narrowbody fell down off the stand (rubber insert to week)

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  • JC Wings Narrowbody fell down off the stand (rubber insert to week)

    Hey Guys,

    I have some JC Wings 1:200 Narrowbodies: Xiamen 737-800MAX in UN Goal Colors (XX2044), Alaska 737-800MAX Pixar Pier Colors (EW2738004) and China Airlines 321-200NX Pokemon Colors (SA2025). One after another fell down off the Stand, because I think the rubber insert in the stand hole in the belly became week. All three models are very badly balanced and I think this load stressed the rubber insert.

    Does anybody else had that problem? Does anybody has a solution?

    Thanks guys!!!


  • #2
    I’ve had similar experience with JCWings and Gemini200 models in the past, specifically with 737 molds, the models aren’t perfectly balanced so any movement or jolt sent the plane flying (pun intended).

    After a while I decided to keep the 737s without the stand as I’ve damaged a few models from falls.

    sometimes trying other manufacturer stands and see what luck you have so if you have a phoenix or inflight try those and see if you have better luck.

    Cloud Services Admin/Collector since 2006


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